Configuring Site Log Settings for all Sites

How to configure the default settings for all SiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application. Logs within this DNN installationRefers to a single installed instance of DNN and all the sites within that installation as listed on the Host > Site Management page.. By default, the SiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application. Log is unavailable on all sites and must be configured here to make it available.

  1. Navigate to HostThese users have full access to manage the settings and content of all sites with this DNN installation, including the Host site. SuperUser accounts are created using the Host > SuperUser Accounts module. > Host Settings HostThese users have full access to manage the settings and content of all sites with this DNN installation, including the Host site. SuperUser accounts are created using the Host > SuperUser Accounts module. Settings.
  2. Select the Other Settings tab.
  3. At SiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application. Log Storage, select Database to store the SiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application. Log data in the DNN database - OR - File System to store the SiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application. Log data in the WebsiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application./Portals/PortalID/Logs folder on the server where this site is hosted.
  4. In the SiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application. Log Buffer text box, enter the number of Items to buffer before sending them to the database. This field allows SiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application. Log Events (e.g. Logins, Navigation, etc.) to be collected into a buffer before being sent to the database. By default this is set at 1 item, which means that the buffer will be sent to the database when it has one event in it. For example if the SiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application. Log Buffer is set to 20 items, then 20 log events will need to occur before the buffer will be sent to the database.
  5. In the SiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application. Log History text box, enter the default number of Days that the SiteRefers to a single and unique site created using DNN. Multiple unique sites can be created and managed within each installed DNN application. Log history is kept for. The default setting is zero ( 0 ) days which makes the site log unavailable to all sites.

Setting the Site Log history

  1. Click the Update button.

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